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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer"s Stone ∑123movies



J.K. Rowling, Steve Kloves

countries USA
Directed by Chris Columbus
Audience Score 608491 vote
story On his eleventh birthday, Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) discovers that he is no ordinary boy. Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane), a beetle-eyed giant, tells Harry that he is a wizard and has a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In his first year of magical education, Harry tackles a fully grown mountain troll, learns to play Quidditch, and participates in a thrilling "live" game of chess

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When it all started. What house are you in? I"m in Ravenclaw. 2:10 I love how the hat just looks at Malfoy and is like UGH not him. Vernon: No post on Sundays! Ha! No blasted letters today! No sir. Not a single, bloody letter! Me: In the Muggle world? Yes. How to download harry potter and the sorcerer"s stone android game for free. I checked my wand on Pottermore and its Black wood with a Pheonix feather core. Free Harry Potter and the Sorcerer"s stone island. Its called philosaohers stone actually. Tu woman who plays Harry"s aunt is an amazing actress. That part when she"s talking about Harry"s mother, the amount of hatred and emotion on her face. Amazing. Free harry potter and the sorcerer"s stone lesson plans. Does anyone miss smart Ron. Free Harry Potter and the Sorcerer"s stone roses.

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But firsts wands were actually working good, is just that he wasn"t able to do any magic but those were working. What I"d give to scare my enemies the way Hagrid scares the Dursleys. Asphodel belongs to lily family. no wonder that was first thing snape asked him about. Also, if u look for dictionary meaning of wormwood, it ALSO means painful experience. Free harry potter and the sorcerer 27s stone video. Free harry potter and the sorcerer"s stone movie online. Free harry potter and the sorcerer"s stone ebook download. Ginny said good luck to her future husband. Has anyone watched the bad lip reading? In the Bin. So hilarious ??????. Free harry potter and the sorcerer 27s stone designs.


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You"re a lizard harry. I like Quirrell/Ian Heart"s voice he"s very intelligent sensitive and cute??.

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